Mariah – Flower Power

I was just driving around when i spotted a hot flower girl all by herself. It took a little concinving and some cash to get the ass but it was worth it. Her pussy was extra tight and juicy. I banged her silly busted one right on her face and she loved it.

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Alayah – Bounce House Booty

If I told you Alayah didnt have a big butt you would call me a-layah. Basically I mean this is one for the ages. This ass was huge…yet deceivingly it cant be seen from the front. Get a good profile look at this ass and youd think she had a table strapped to her back. So what to do with so much ass u might ask…well we put her in a bounce. Lethal combo. Non-stop booty shakin action and some sex moves u might have never though possible…let me leave you with that last thought…come check it out.

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Leanna – Study Hard

We were having a rough time with our french class so we decided to go to my place a study for a few hours. Things turned out better than what we planned. My roomate joined melanie and I in some pussy to lips action which got crazy freaky and out of control. It was great.

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Rennata – Cano Caboose

Tony and I were on our way to the beach as usual when the brazilian booty gods descended and blessed us with one of their many multitudes of angels. Rennata was her name and she was stuck by the side of the road with car trouble. Tony and I did the only thing we could do…be gentlemen stop and help her out. Our chivalry was rewarded and I did the honors. She agreed to go back to my place and just let the tow truck I called for her take care of it. She had the time of her life because now she keeps calling me and she wont leave me alone but hey I sacrifice myself and take chances for all of you guys to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

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Madeline – Seminole Hard Cock

Nothing better than a MILF on vacation. And better yet I wasn’t even planning on hunting today. I was just gonna chill and do a little gambling. But my dick had other plans. That’s where Madeline came in. Or maybe i came. Taking Madeline back to my room was a gamble in itself. She told me her husband was around. But that’s never stopped me before…

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Stacy – Big Blonde Ass

Looks can be deceiving. Thats the age old saying that best describes stacy and her undercover incognito 40 inch plus ass. I dont know if its her bodys frame or what but I was almost willing to bet she wasnt gonna make the cut. We whipped out the tape measure and sure enough she passed 40 inches with about 2 or 3 inches to spare and boy was I glad because once you see this irresistable blonde your cock will probably throb up and grow longer than 40 inches. I know I know IMPOSSIBLE. A man can dream cant he.

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Eleanor – Boo Boo Party

Poor Eleanor had fucked up her feet with some crazy pair of shoes she was wearing so she was pretty much confined to her bed. Luckily for us, I know a good foot doctor. Enter Tony and Renato. They brought along Linda to look at Eleanor and her busted wing. Soon enough, the clothes came off and it was party time. The sex was awesome. Deep throat action mixed with pussy pounding sex was exactly what the doctor ordered.

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Leana Sweet – Squeky Clean

Renato cannot be stopped once he gets horny and sets his sights on a girl. Leanna was just minding her own business taking a shower when Renato reminded me Leanna hadnt paid up her rent to stay at my apartment. He heard the shower running from next door and immediately ran over to let himself into the apartment dragging me along. I let her know the deal way before hand and once we were in she knew it was time to pay up. Renato pretty much had his way with this italian stallion thoroughbred and she did not complain one bit. It was awesome the first time around and when I watched it again I think I finally calloused my palms from top to bottom rigorously rubbing one out to her moaning while getting shtupped unmerciful.

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